CKC has continuously improved technology
and widened range of products to serve customers. Moreover, CKC has delivered
various type of Automatic Filtration System, Pressure Vessel, SCR (Selective
Catalytic Reduction) System, Auto Strainer, Metallic Filter Cartridge and Gas
Dehydration System.
CKC has built multi-effect evaporators that will
concentrate brines and produce potable water. They use traditional technology.
Energy use is reduced in proportion to the number of effects used. The standard
design is four (4) effects. |
??Desalination of
Brine At $5/MMBtu, the system will produce one barrel (42
gal) of potable water for $0.60 and reduce brine disposal by the corresponding
one barrel. This system can be designed to use waste exhaust heat from a gas
turbine or engine, which obviously would eliminate energy costs. The water would
be less than $0.10 per barrel.
Reverse osmosis using membranes is the
other primary technical approach. This is more sensitive to the organic content
and also to inorganic species such as iron complexes. |
The membrane technology is
improving constantly. For seawater applications reverse osmosis dominates except
where heat sources such as co-generation turbine exhaust are
available. | | |